When you start your own business and you don’t have a team to be successful, you WILL end up taking the role of everyone. In the beginning, you may not know whom to turn to or whom you can trust to have the skills and experiences to carry out your vision. So you begin putting the entire business on your shoulders. You become the CEO and visionary of this business but are now also a digital marketer well. You have to understand all the details of your product and how you have to sell it. You have to get the analytics for how to market this product and make sure it will attract the correct target audience, and then promote it to THEM. You now also have to understand how the product is going to look and then source those product materials. Figure out how to begin marketing that product and pray to the business gods that people and it sells. Oh did I mention you have to work to become a graphic designer, copywriter, and web developer? Learning how to get get your business to have a look, and tone to your marketing while also building an E-Commerce website to sell that product or service? Can it be done? Of course, there are people all around the world doing this exactly and making it work. You don't have to though. There is a special kind of individual who are passionate about each one of those skills and do it every day across multiple brands. Designers whole eats sleep, and breathe ideas of incredible design work that they can't wait to apply to a new brand. Digital Marketers are constantly taking the tone and feel of brands and giving them live for people to read and learn more about. Developers who are always looking for the next plugin or line of code that they can use to promote a new website. Pulling all of the incredible work that designers' ideas and look with a copywriter's intuitively optimized content and put it in a place for everyone to see. Finally, there are Digital Marketers who are finding new ways to rule the internet find new ways to use Google's algorithm, and constantly adapting to find new ways to have you see what you want to see before you know it for brands every day. Those special individuals are part of a Tribe that works to bring business like the one that you have been putting on your shoulders and help build it into a brand that you can grow. Tribu is that Tribe. We do it because we love it and it allows you to do what you love, which is running your business and creating awesome products for people to discover. You want to become a brand that people see. As a business owner, you want to focus on doing what you love, which is creating a great product and working to get it into everyone’s hands. It helps to understand how to do everything else but to be able to focus on your business, you can't be doing every role of your business. That is what we are here for. We want to help you turn your business into a brand. Tribu has teams of passionate and talented tribe members that are specialized in roles of digital marketing, web development, graphic design, and copywriting. To help you do what you love and work to help you from website development to help you design your product packaging. As a web developer, I have the opportunity to work with incredible tribe partners and help see their vision and put it together on a website. If you are looking to build a new website or even simply redesign your current website we have the opportunity to take everything and create something brand new for your customers to see. This happens in steps and in a way for you to see everything happening but you don't have to stop what you're doing to do it. You continue doing what you love, and we take care of the rest. So How do we do this? We ask the questions. What products do you want to sell? Who are your competitors? What special functionalities do you want your website to have? Who is your target audience? We want to know everything. We want to figure out what is driving you and what you want your brand to look like your tone where you want to market and what you want your website to achieve. These questions will help us create your brand and help you not only get the brand that you are dreaming about but timeless designs, powerful marketing, and a website that will rank higher on google, a website that will help your business gain traction and perform for you. We want to create a brand that will help you get your business where you want it so you can do even bigger things. So what happens next? As web developers, we start doing a few things to make sure we can build your new website and have all the information needed to make your customers see everything you want and present it in a way for your customers to view everything easily and effectively. We first look at your website and take note of everything on it and talk to you about what is missing. What are the most important things for your customers to know? While we get these details, we enter your website into our database and make sure we note the things your customers are drawn to to get detailed heat maps of what your viewers are currently looking at most, so that we can make sure to put those in an easy way for customers to get to. Next, we make sure we understand all the functionalities that your website needs to have and how we can make them happy, finding a fun and unique way to make your pages fun and engaging for your viewers. Finally, with the knowledge from your website and comparing it to your competitors we work to see how we can have these things work for you and be able to allow you to beat out your competitors. Now it's time to get to work We will begin creating wireframes to structure the content. This will help us make sure everything is laid out as effectively as possible. After completing the wireframes we will begin designing your website. This is the fun part. Here you will see the formation of your new website taking shape. But the real magic comes from the incredible work that the rest of the tribe has already in they been working on. This is also where our graphic design team’s skills are shown for the logo and graphics we can create for you and the needs of your website. They work to take your business and what your dreams are and create the logo and designs to go with it. Creating a custom design that fits what you need for not only a logo but for social posts, new merch areas of your website, and events for any future events that you need. While they are building your brand's Identity our copywriters have already begun research to figure out how those social posts and websites should look and sound. Making sure that your brand has a tone that people will recognize individually to the brand and now sound like just a generic post. Finally, after everything is designed, we begin building. I begin making sure all the elements we spoke about and designed are built into the new website and creating a new website to help show customers your passion, show off your products and improve your business's ranking to beat out your competitors. The Digital marketer has time to shine. They have already found avenues on how to promote your social posts, pushing the team to use keywords and platforms that they will promote. Bending Google's search algorithm to their will so that everyone knows your name. All this happens without you having to spend countless hours learning about the design that your business needs to have and designing a logo, without you having to learn a single line of code, and all without you needing to worry about understanding how to write lines of copy that hopefully will draw in your customers. You were able to use those hours to focus on running an awesome business knowing those other things were being taken care of for you. While you are doing what you love, we are doing what we love. This is something that we are grateful to have the honor of helping with and after we have given you the keys to your new website if you need we are always here future to help you. You can learn more and follow along with other brands that Tribu works with and see the different works of design, copywriting and website design that has helped their brands to rank on google and grow. Some of these brands started very simply, and we helped break the bounds of their branding. Some incredible examples of the work Tribu has helped do this would be:Texas Margarita Factory,Pur IsoLabs,Franklin Construction Limited, andAir Pets International.View our websiteto learn more about us and how we work to help build the business into brands.