Case Study
OOH Advertising

OOH (Out of Home) Advertising Performance Analysis

Yuyang (Liekkas)
October 17, 2022

[embed][/embed]As we gradually step into the digital age, I often think about some questions, “do we still need out-of-home advertising? Why out of home?”What is the reason for the ineffectiveness of outdoor advertising? I summarized it as "I barely see it, I can't recall it, I don't really feel it, I can't buy it, it's not fun to use."What exactly is a consumer? Consumers are only those who consume! The first benefit of our outdoor advertising is the ability to see, so our "new outdoor advertising" advertising subject line is: "see, the world is yours!"The three great outdoor advertising skills are: creativity (soul) + point (traffic) + budget (persistency)!So for an outdoor advertisement, what factors will directly affect the advertising effect? Among the many elements that affect outdoor advertising, there are mainly the following four factors:

Environmental factor

Advertising in high-traffic areas makes intuitive sense, especially for location-based advertising such as pedestrian panels found in shopping malls and along sidewalks. Advertisements placed along these heavily trafficked walkways receive more exposure and, as a result, have lower costs per impression, resulting in higher returns on investment. However, advertising in these seemingly strategic locations may have drawbacks. Viewer engagement with these ads may suffer if too many people pass by the ad's location at the same time.

Location factor

The location of an outdoor advertisement is another most important factor in its success. If you want to achieve good results, your advertisement should ideally be in full view of your target audience. Rather than hanging your poster or billboard wherever there is an available space, you can capture a large audience by strategically placing your advertisement.Different locations will attract different types of people. For example, the Tube, trains, and buses will most likely be packed with business people and commuters, making it an ideal place to advertise if you have something that businessmen and women will be interested in. Similarly, a younger audience may visit local bars, cinemas, or other places of entertainment, so keep this in mind when looking for a location for your outdoor advertisement. Shopping malls are popular, especially if you are promoting a specific product; your advertisement may be more effective if it is close to your business. If your company is just around the corner from where your ad is attracting potential customers, this could have a positive impact on sales.

Awareness factor

Advertising cognition must determine whether or not the audience is "feeling" about the advertisement. If the audience is not interested in this outdoor advertisement, it demonstrates that recommending advertising information to inappropriate people is less effective than recommending suitable advertising information to relevant audiences.

Creativity factor

The role of creativity in out-of-home advertising is to assist in the placement of messages that speak directly to your audience while they are engaged in their daily activities and prompt action. Evoking an emotional response requires great design and creativity that tells a story.I also want to share a very interesting real out-of-home advertising case.If you saw such a billboard on the road, would you assume that it was printed incorrectly? this vertical billboard, the picture is too wide to display all the content, and naturally, it cannot read all the information the advertisement is trying to convey. It looks like a failed advertisement, which may make people suspect that Heineken's printing went wrong.But if you look closely, there is a QR code under this seemingly "messed up" billboard, which actually hides the truth of this "mistake". This is an advertising creative planned by Saatchi & Saatchi in Australia for Heineken Beer. This "mistake" is actually intentional.Some may be concerned that if no one notices the QR code, isn't this advertisement pointless? The beauty of this "wrong" advertisement is that it works regardless of how you look at it. Several words stand out in the information displayed on vertical billboards: unique, refreshing, natural, and master. It effectively emphasizes Heineken's selling point.If you scan the QR code, you will see a complete horizontal advertisement, which fits well with the focus of Heineken's promotion this time - the horizontal brewing method created by Heineken. Different from most beer brewed in vertical tanks, the horizontal brewing method is a method invented by Heineken to improve the fermentation capacity of its unique formula "Yeast A". It is amazing with its refreshing taste.Moreover, the background of the text is a close-up of the Heineken beer bottle, watching the bubbles rise up, who doesn't want to take a sip? As a result, the "mistake" ad was also concentrated around Heineken's local outlets to ensure that people could buy and taste the product as quickly as possible after being planted by the billboard.Although this advertisement seems to set a threshold for communication, the logic in it is reasonable. Combining the innovation of brewing with the way the advertisement is presented, brewing horizontally, and watching this advertisement horizontally, it is refreshing and innovative.


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