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The Power of Morphio for Your E-Commerce Advertising Efforts

The Tribe
April 11, 2022

Many different marketing analytics tools are available for use. Each of them has a different purpose and can provide you with detailed analytics based on what you are looking for. As your business grows into a recognizable brand, it is important to have a dashboard to track your growth. Find out below why Morphio is our choice for digital marketing reporting!

What is Morphio?

Morphio is a digital marketing tool that takes all of your digital marketing efforts’ data from the different platforms that you use and houses it in an easy-to-use dashboard with detailed analytics and insights.

In Morphio you can enter a specific number of goals that you wish to hit each month, and track the progress for each of those. Morphio is super intuitive and can give you warnings based on if you will hit that goal or not, and provides recommendations to make sure that you meet or exceed your goal for the month.

Additionally, once successfully integrated with all of your advertising channels, you can keep track of campaign performance. Most importantly, you will be able to track your cost per acquisition (CPA) and your return on ad spend (ROAS), which are super important for a growing brand like yourself!    

How to Integrate This Tool Into Your Reporting

At first, Morphio might feel foreign when trying to pull analytics reports and insights. However, you shouldn’t fear it! It is a super intuitive tool that will make your life easier when working with an agency that knows how to use it.

First, you should focus on getting all of your advertising accounts properly connected to Morphio. Coming directly from the platform itself, Morphio has a great step-by-step on how to integrate each platform successfully.

Next, you want to familiarize yourself with the platform. Of course, the agency you have will probably be using this a little more than you, but it is always good to know how to find the answers you are looking for. Morphio has a great walkthrough video on how the reporting dashboard works, and where to find what you might be looking for!

Once you have had your sandbox session, you will want to go in and set your goals for each advertising component you want to measure. With forecasting capabilities as intuitive as Morphio’s, you want to set realistic goals for each component. Look at your reporting from your selling platform to see what your unit goals might look like going into the coming month, what you want your average order value to be, and what return on ad spend you would like to see.

Morphio’s Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) Reporting

For an e-commerce brand that is looking to grow, spending ad dollars needs to be efficient. Handing over ad dollars to an agency can be uncomfortable at first, but having a tool like Morphio adds a level of transparency for you and your agency of choice. Every brand wants to see a significant return on ad spend, and this platform makes tracking that a whole lot easier.

to calculate ROAS:

ROAS = Gross revenue from ad campaign/cost of the ad campaign

When calculating that number, outline your sales goal for that month and divide it by the ad budget that you wish to spend. BigCommerce has a great and concise way of calculating what that number might look like for your business, and why this is important to know!

Finding a team of skilled digital marketers to take that information from Morphio and optimize ad spending to achieve the best results is KEY!

Tribu employs the powerful tool that is Morphio to help report detailed analytics that drive the decisions we make with ad dollars provided by our clients. Having a dashboard that is easy to share with our partners and show them our reasoning behind major money moves makes growing our mutual trust all the better! Let us build your business into a brand, and find out more about what we offer as a leading digital marketing agency.


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