With the amount of growing competition on social media, brands can find it hard to stand out from the crowd and gain online attention and traction. With a feed jam-packed with ads, it’s important to get creative and come up with campaigns that are memorable and innovative. In this blog, we’ll explore 3 recognized and successful campaigns that hit global recognition to help inspire your own viral marketing strategy.
Starbucks is known for simply not just sticking to typical coffee flavors. With every limited, novelty flavors, it requires a social media campaign strategy. The Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino is a perfect example of Starbucks tapping into a new audience segment and step outside of their brand to allow rainbow, glitter, and unicorns to take-over.
Photo Credit: S. (2017, April 19). Unicorn Frappuccino. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://www.instagram.com/p/BTEWcNHjACU/
Although some digital marketers don’t often bring platforms like Spotify into their strategy, it’s a great way to break into an untapped channel and make it your own. For instance, Casper, the sleep mattress company create a “Casper’s Sleep Channel” on Spotify that featured relaxing tunes to further provide a good night’s rest to their customers. It was also a great way for other potential customers (those struggling with their sleep) to go looking for a good night’s sleep and to stumble upon this playlist.
Photo credit: C. (n.d.). Casper Sleep Channel - Casper. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://open.spotify.com/show/5nShsBEvct4siTZABS5Ke8
Dove is all about making people feel beautiful and confident. So they partnered with Twitter to create a technology that will recognize tweets full of self-hate and automatically respond with words on encouragement and love to create a more accepting and positive platform for all.https://youtu.be/_NjBJjfuVFoVideo Credit: D. (2016, March 11). The Dove #SpeakBeautiful Effect | See the impact of your words online [Video file]. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://youtu.be/_NjBJjfuVFoBeing strategic and creative with how you use social media can create a huge advantage with winning market share.
Speak with one of our digital marketing experts to get started on claiming your piece of the social media space.Contact us