The Tribe
Tribu Marketing

Part of the Tribe: My Summer Working at Tribu

The Tribe
August 16, 2019

When the summer began, I must admit I felt really nervous. Thinking about spending the next ten weeks in such a recognized San Antonio agency was nerve wracking, but I decided to trust myself and give it my best. The past ten weeks at Tribu have been some of the most tiring, yet rewarding, of my entire life. Getting used to the “work-life” from 9-5, meal prepping and not just focusing on school has been a struggle, but at the same time I’ve gotten to meet amazing people and work on incredible projects.I spent my summer working as a Sales Marketing Intern for Tribu. My role essentially focused in monitoring, planning and executing new tactics to manage Tribu’s internal social platforms. As an agency who specializes in providing stellar social content for their partners, sometimes there is not enough time to allocate into our very own needs. This is where Tribu needed help and I gladly came in the picture. I was brought in by Trinity University’s amazing Students+Startups program, in which eager students are paired with some incredible local businesses. I was lucky enough to have found Tribu to be my summer home.

Work + Fun

My responsibilities included conducting website and social audits, coming up with content calendars, researching different content ideas, writing blogs, and lastly working on Tribu’s Hero Challenge.The goal of the event was to reach $5,000 for the Ferrari Kid, which focuses on providing “celebrity-like” experiences to kids with cancer and other illnesses. Since our second week at Tribu, Francisco, the other S+S intern, and I were tasked with the entire event social media campaign and execution. This included making a social media calendar, coming up with post ideas and make graphic requests for the graphic design team to bring to life, email marketing, finalizing event food and raffle details, and so much more.I must admit that it was a little scary to think about the amount of pressure that was put upon us, but at the end of the day, it was an amazing opportunity. All of our hard work paid off and I really couldn't be prouder of us. However, I must admit that we did encounter a lot of difficulties along the way. First of all, coming up with the creative part of the campaign was a little difficult. With both Francisco and I being Marketing majors, we had literally no idea where to begin with the graphic design aspects of both our social media and email posts. Thankfully, we ended up working closely with Rachel, Tribu’s graphic design intern, and came up with a fantastic campaign. Coming to work everyday and being ready to get ready to have hands on event and social media experience was so rewarding, especially when time came to seeing our posts on the actual platforms.

The Team

Through my time at Tribu I also got to experience life in an agency. I previously had only experienced working in corporate or startup marketing before, so being part of an agency was a whole new world for me. I got to learn about how teams are structured, new clients are gained, work is completed and essentially how the entire agency plays such an important role in the work that is performed.I am a huge fan of the hectic work life, fun work culture and just overall creative atmosphere that is Tribu. I hope that in my future endeavors I get to bring some of the positive energy and light that I was accustomed to at Tribu. Every single day I was greeted with happiness and rewarded with lots of positive feedback that I’ve been taking into consideration for my future roles. Not only is the work created every day by these incredible people completely outstanding, but their tight bond and cheerful personalities make Tribu an even better working environment.

Moving Forward

It is incredible to think of how quickly 10 weeks have flown by. Looking back at this summer, I am extremely grateful to have had such an amazing and rewarding opportunity of working with Tribu. My first summer working full-time, I can definitely say that I’m leaving today with happiness in my heart and LOTS of new knowledge. Every single day was a new chance to learn and employ all of the lessons that I’ve gained through working as a Sales Marketing intern for Tribu. I can sure-heartedly say that I will be able to employ all of this new knowledge, advice, and memories into my future in all areas of my life: as a student, a professional and a person.

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